Our wonderful professional Partners

  • Élise Dubé (Physiotherapy)

    Élise Dubé offers pediatric physiotherapy and perineal rehabilitation services in St-Lambert. Trained in Integrative Pediatric Manual Therapy, she has also completed further training in maxillofacial rehabilitation. In particular, she can support you in pursuing difficult breastfeeding by addressing the musculoskeletal and neurodevelopmental causes at play.

  • Daphné Brassard (osteopath)

    After graduating in physiotherapy technique in 2012, I discovered osteopathy during my clinical practice which led me to begin my studies in this field. I started my career in osteopathy in 2016 with a very varied clientele. My interest in pediatrics and perinatal care then developed and I pursued several continuing education courses on the subject. I have a particular interest in children aged 0 to 18 months, whether for breastfeeding problems, birth torticollis, plagiocephaly and motor development.

    I am committed to community work and social assistance, and this was missing from my practice. It was then that I was put in contact with Moms for Milk, with whom I have been working for almost 2 years. I like to offer small free training courses there as well as chat with the families present during Friday talks. In addition, we collaborate to provide care to vulnerable families so that osteopathy is accessible to them.

    In addition, my curiosity motivated me to pursue studies at the Microgramme de Perfectionnement en Osteopathy at UQAM and to follow more continuing education in pediatrics, which keeps me very busy.

    Looking forward to meeting you and participating in the sustainability of Moms for Milk.

  • Mylène Ciocca (osteopath)

    Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Faculty of Medicine in Marseille, France, in 2004, and in Osteopathy in 2009, Mylène has focused her practice on pregnancy care, postpartum support, and a pediatric approach to osteopathy. Of course, she also treats adults and adolescents for musculoskeletal disorders.

Our wonderful partners!

Thank you to our financial partners!