Other Resources
Here are a few reliable additional resources that may help you if you are looking for more information.
Breastfeeding clinics with appointment
CLSC St-Hubert, Administrative center
5928 Cousineau boul., #200, St-Hubert, room 205 on phone: (450) 443-7400 ext. 2214
CLSC Samuel-de-Champlain
5811 Taschereau boul., Brossard, room 400
Post-birth follow-up, CLSC St-Hubert and Samuel-de-Champlain
(450) 443-7400 ext. 2214
Phone based resources
Info-Santé (for non urgent health questions): 450-445-4452 or 811
Motherisk (information about medication while breastfeeding): 1-877-327-4636
Websites about breastfeeding
Quebec Association of IBCLC Certified Lactation Consultants
Websites about breastfeeding and general health
Guide Mieux vivre avec notre enfant de la grossesse à deux ans
Health Canada recommendations for feeding and nutrition from 0 to 2 years
Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding, Dr. Jack Newman
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, La Leche League International
The Science of Parenting: Practical Guidance on Sleep, Crying, Play, and Building Emotional Well-Being for Life, Margot Sunderland
Nighttime Parenting: How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep, Dr. William Sears
Bien vivre l’allaitement, Madeleine Allard et Annie Desrochers (in French only)
Une naissance heureuse : bien vivre sa grossesse et son accouchement, Isabelle Brabant (in French only)
Au cœur de la naissance : témoignages et réflexions sur l’accouchement, Stéphanie St-Amant, Lysane Grégoire (in French only)