Other Resources

Here are a few reliable additional resources that may help you if you are looking for more information.

Breastfeeding clinics with appointment

CLSC St-Hubert, Administrative center

5928 Cousineau boul., #200, St-Hubert, room 205  on phone: (450) 443-7400 ext. 2214

CLSC Samuel-de-Champlain

5811 Taschereau boul., Brossard, room 400 

Post-birth follow-up, CLSC St-Hubert and Samuel-de-Champlain

(450) 443-7400 ext. 2214

Phone based resources

Info-Santé (for non urgent health questions): 450-445-4452 or 811

Motherisk (information about medication while breastfeeding): 1-877-327-4636 

Websites about breastfeeding

Quebec Association of IBCLC Certified Lactation Consultants

Dr. Newman's website



INFACT Québec 

Websites about breastfeeding and general health

Guide Mieux vivre avec notre enfant de la grossesse à deux ans

Health Canada recommendations for feeding and nutrition from 0 to 2 years

Dr. Sears' website

Dr. McKenna's website



Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding, Dr. Jack Newman

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, La Leche League International

The Science of Parenting: Practical Guidance on Sleep, Crying, Play, and Building Emotional Well-Being for Life, Margot Sunderland

Nighttime Parenting: How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep, Dr. William Sears

Bien vivre l’allaitement, Madeleine Allard et Annie Desrochers (in French only)

Une naissance heureuse : bien vivre sa grossesse et son accouchement, Isabelle Brabant (in French only)

Au cœur de la naissance : témoignages et réflexions sur l’accouchement, Stéphanie St-Amant, Lysane Grégoire (in French only)